401st B-17 Repaints

What is a "repaint?" It is a term used by the Flight Simulation community to indicate that an digital model has been "repainted" to reflect a specific aircraft so that it may be flown in simulation as that aircraft. As an example of that here are ten 401st aircraft repainted for use with the Microsoft Flight Simulator program. These images were created by Jan Kees Blom, and Mike (Blackhawks on the A2A forum), two active "repainters" within the flight simulation community.

Original Repaint
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/106992-00.jpg
42-106992 SC-D Baby Lu
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/106992-01.jpg
Baby Lu repaint by nath2889
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/106992-02.jpg Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/106992-03.jpg
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/CarrieB.Original.jpg
This is not the Carrie B II, but the original Carrie B instead. Since there are no known photos of the Carrie B II, the artist Jan Kees Blom used it as the basis for his version of the CB II.
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/CB2-2.png
Carrie B II, By Jan Kees Blom. Created for Josie Navarro (our treasurer) and "Uncle" Frank Perez who once served on this plane.
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/CB2-5.png Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/CB2-6.png
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/TheLady.jpg Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/Champaign1678.jpg
Champaign Lady, created by Jan Kees Blom for the aircraft under construction in Urbana.
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/Champaign1679.jpg Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/Champaign1680.jpg Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/Champaign1681.jpg
Thumbnail image for /Images/Archive/Web/Plane_Fearless%20Fosdick.jpg Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/fearless01.jpg
Fearless Fosdick, created by Jan Kees Blom.
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/fearless02.jpg Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/fearless03.jpg
Thumbnail image for /Images/Archive/Web/img467.tif.jpg
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/H17-3.png
Hard Seventeen, by Jan Kees Blom. Created for our Webmaster. His father, Ed Dana, served on this plane.
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/H17-4.png Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/H17-10.png
Thumbnail image for /Images/Archive/Web/Plane_Heavenly%20Body.jpg
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/Heavenly01.jpg
Heavenly Body, by Jan Kees Blom.
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/Heavenly02.jpg Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/Heavenly03.jpg
Thumbnail image for /Images/Archive/Web/Plane_IceColdKaty.jpg Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/katy1570.jpg
Ice Cold Katy, by Jan Kees Blom.
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/katy1571.jpg Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/katy1572.jpg
Thumbnail image for /Images/Archive/Web/Plane_Lady%20Jane.jpg
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/ladyjane1504.jpg
Lady Jane, by Jan Kees Blom.
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/ladyjane1505.jpg Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/ladyjane1506.jpg
Thumbnail image for /Images/Archive/Web/Plane_Mary%20Alice.jpg Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/MA-1.png
Mary Alice by Mike [Blackhawks].
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/MA-2.png
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/31863-00.jpg
42-31863 IW-X Miss B Haven
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/31863-01.jpg
Miss B Haven by Nath2889
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/31863-02.jpg Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/31863-03.jpg
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/31077-00.jpg
42-31077 SC-A/IY-A Pakawalup II
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/31077-01.jpg
Pakawalup II by Jan Kees Blom
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/31077-02.jpg Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/31077-03.jpg
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/97872-00.jpg
42-97872 IW-A Rosie's Sweat Box
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/97872-01.jpg
42-97872 IW-A Rosie's Sweat Box, by Jan Kees Blom.
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/97872-02.jpg Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/97872-03.jpg
Thumbnail image for /Images/Archive/Web/Plane_Shark%20Tooth.jpg Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/ST-1.png
Shark Tooth, by Jan Kees Blom.
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/shark02.jpg Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/ST-3.png
Thumbnail image for /Images/Archive/Web/Plane_Twan-n-g-g-g.jpg Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/TW-1.png
Twan-n-g-g-g, by Mike [Blackhawks]
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/TW-3.png Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/TW-5.png
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/35438-00.jpg
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/35438-01.jpg
'438' by Ed Dana
Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/35438-02.jpg Thumbnail image for /Images/Gallery/Repaints/Web/35438-03.jpg

You can fly these planes too, but you need a few things before you can. First, you need Microsoft's Flight Simulator X. This can be found just about anywhere for relatively cheap. Then you need Wings of POWER II: B17 and Accu-Sim for the Wings of POWER II: B-17. But be warned, these two expansions for Microsoft's FSX make the simulation so complex that you might as well be flying the real thing.

Once you get these things installed, you can visit the Aussie X 401st B-17 Downloads to get any of Jan Kees Blom's planes or Mike's Repaints to obtain any of Mike's [Blackhawks] 401st planes.