By: Win Bryson
On: 10/14/2003
1. My AFHRA experience mostly pre-dates E-mail & web-sites - I used "snail-mail". The AFHRA staff has always been very, very helpful and very, very understaffed. So their replies have always been very thorough and thoughtful - it just takes a long time.
2. When I asked the AFHRA's about their 401BG records, their reply "overview" of microfilm rolls available included that: a. Microfilming was hurriedly done; resulting in b. Most rolls include a mix of things from different Units; and c. The quality/clarity of the images varies greatly from good to poor (barely readable).
3. The following is my consolidation of info I received from the AFHRA over a period of time regarding microfilm rolls available that relate to the 401BG. (There may be more, but this is as far as I went).
Roll #A0647, frames 985-1555 are 613SQ operational histories by-month (Oct. '44 is one month, for example, covered in frames 1266-1298);
Roll #B0488, frames 396-2071 contain photo collages, Bluebook pages, Group operational reports (by-month) through deactivation in 1945. (I purchased this roll).
Roll #B0489, according to an "index" includes two 401BG groups of items (but I don;t know the details): "GP-401-SU-OP-S": frames 4-82, from Aug.'44 to Apr.'45 (support/operations); and "GP-401-SU-RE": frames 83-137, Nov.'43 to Mat '45.
4. There are other 401BG "related" rolls that I don't know enough about to know if useful or of interest. For example:
Rolls #07072 and #A5998, frames ?, are 8th USAAF Mission Reports and planning and post-action assessments.
5. Sorry this is so long-winded, but there's a lot of great resources "out there" .