Posted | Message |
1/18/2009 9:25:53 AM | If you see this Mrs. Halpin, I was wondering if any of the Vokaty crew are still alive ? I was a friend of Howard Crull who was on your husbands crew. He passed away Sept 16, 2007. I was very sorry to hear that Mr. Halpin had passed away. God Bless them All ! We should always remember what all these men did for us. We in the American Legion try to keep that alive.
3/15/2009 10:13:32 PM | Hello, My name is Jon Brandenburg. I am the grandson of Alfred Vokaty. I have been a member of the 401st Association for several years. I am really curious if any of the crew are left alive. I have many keepsakes my grandfather left me from the war and have always been really interested what it was like during the war. Being only 35 years old I try to keep the memory of my grandfather alive and I am still in awe at what these men sacrificed in the war. God Bless all these men. Keep the memory alive.
3/21/2009 3:33:48 PM | Greetings and Welcome, Jon. Donald? Can you assist with Jon regarding who is still with us? Assuming, of course, that you haven't responded to him privately? 🙂
3/24/2009 11:35:31 AM | Jon, I only have the 2005 Directory put out by the 401st which does not list any of this crew as members nor does it list possible relatives of the crew. Sorry I couldn't help more. Don
Sgt. Donald C. Byers, 613th Bomb Squadron, Togglier, 42-97344 Carrie B II, KIA 08/24/1944. |
3/27/2009 6:57:01 PM | Ed and Don, Thank you both for the reply's and for checking on information for the crew of the Command Performance. I will keep investigating to see who might be left alive from his crew. I was also wondering if someone could direct me to additional resources or links to find out more information about my grandfathers time in the service. I don't know if military records are available. Again thank you, I appreciate the help. Jon
4/11/2009 2:56:08 AM | Jon Brandenburg: Jon if you would contact me at 740-574-6827, I will give you some information about your Uncle's crew that Howard Crull passed on to me. I don't want to go into details on here because it is very senitive. Call me or post your phone number on here and I will call you. Thank you. Frind of Howard.