Posted | Message |
Paul Bellamy
2/9/2012 12:18:09 PM | Some snowy snaps from this afternoon:          All the best, Paul
Paul Bellamy  |
2/9/2012 2:55:26 PM | Hey Paul, Thanks for posting those pix's there great. One could imagine those walking around Station 128 during this time of the year. Don
Sgt. Donald C. Byers, 613th Bomb Squadron, Togglier, 42-97344 Carrie B II, KIA 08/24/1944. |
Paul Bellamy
2/9/2012 3:39:41 PM | Ta Don, This one looked better in monochrome:
Paul Bellamy  |
Paul Bellamy
2/9/2012 6:33:23 PM | I've been advised that the previous photo is worth giving a second glance... 😉
Paul Bellamy  |
2/9/2012 6:52:55 PM | Brilliant, Paul, were you holding the runway beacon for them at the time? Win
Paul Bellamy
2/9/2012 6:55:09 PM | Nah, he's got the flaps coming back up for a go-around. Some idiot with a camera in the roll-out area apparently. 🙂
Paul Bellamy  |
Jackie Sharp Sheflin
2/10/2012 10:29:35 AM | Paul, Love that second look!!! Jackie
2/10/2012 2:00:24 PM | Very Coooooool! 🙂 Thanks for sharing! Josie 🙂
Paul Bellamy
3/8/2012 7:38:29 PM | Forgot to add this photo at the time:  RAF/WD type Brockhouse 3-ton trailer chassis, same as used for the runway caravan at Deenethorpe. In fact I thought for a minute that there might have been a slim chance it was the remains of the actual runway caravan used by the 401st, but sadly the drawbar is a different pattern:  However, the same type of chassis was used for Pundit Light trailers, which flashed the airfield code letters:  It's unclear whether Deenethorpe actually had a Pundit light (there should have been one, but I've not yet seen it in a photo) but there was certainly another trailer at Deenethorpe with the same Brockhouse 3-ton chassis, the Chance Light (runway floodlight) trailer which is the lighthouse-shaped thing seen at the bottom of the "snow photo":  All the best, Paul
Paul Bellamy  |