Posted | Message |
Jackie Sharp Sheflin
12/9/2008 4:36:36 PM | I posted a while ago asking for Deenthorpe photos and after waiting for some time I thought I would re ask if anyone knows of people who have photos of Deenthorpe that I could have copies of. I wrote to Mark Brotherman on Webshots and did not hear back from him as to how I might be able to get copies of some of the ones he has on Webshots. He has quite a few and while I can download them...they are not able to be printed due to Webshots proprietary software. So I thought I would ask once again if anyone has airfield photos or building photos I could obtain copies of. If I missed an answer to this...I apologize as I have been on and off line for several months. Thank you in advance. Jackie
12/9/2008 5:16:11 PM | You might wanna specify the period, Jackie. I think many of us have such pictures from modern times, but I assume you mean from way back when. Just my thoughts.
Jackie Sharp Sheflin
12/9/2008 8:36:48 PM | Ed, You are right I would like to find some from 1944 era when my Dad was there , but new ones are welcome as well. Beggars cannot be choosers..<g> Jackie
12/10/2008 8:13:10 PM | I would like to add my voice to this issue and my hope our members with era photos, good quality or not, jump in and offer to support those of us who are creating a lasting, visual, story in memory of our family member(s) who made up the 401st. Thank you in advance for your support.
12/11/2008 6:51:48 AM | Amend to that Elmers Tune, hard to say how many read this forum or even have a computer. Don Byers
Sgt. Donald C. Byers, 613th Bomb Squadron, Togglier, 42-97344 Carrie B II, KIA 08/24/1944. |
Jackie Sharp Sheflin
12/11/2008 4:36:28 PM | Elmer's Tuna, I am sorry I do not remember your first name, but you are so right and in fact that is exactly what we hope to accomplish for our family and the future generations. Maybe when Ed gets the old forum cleaned up we can post it there as well. I had even thought of asking the powers that be to post an article in PFTG to ask those who may not have a computer to think about sharing these priceless treasures for the 401st. Anybody think this is possible? Jackie
12/11/2008 6:06:53 PM | Any thing is possible Jackie but would not use the Forum or e-mail for such a request. A letter to the 401st Bombardment Group would accomplish much more. Don
Sgt. Donald C. Byers, 613th Bomb Squadron, Togglier, 42-97344 Carrie B II, KIA 08/24/1944. |
12/13/2008 10:33:32 PM | "Jackie (Sharp: Sheflin")Maybe when Ed gets the old forum cleaned up we can post it there as well. I had even thought of asking the powers that be to post an article in PFTG to ask those who may not have a computer to think about sharing these priceless treasures for the 401st. OK, I should probably comment on this. We're probably not gonna get the old forum cleaned up, as much as I would really like to. The problem appears to be that the old forum uses an Access '97 file, whereas nobody we no has a copy of the Access '97 program. The earliest version of Access I can save in is Access '00, which I'm fairly certain isn't compatible with '97. So, without testing, I can't guarantee that any changes we make won't break the old forum. Since the old forum is supposed to be going away, and shortly, it probably isn't worth the effort to clean it up if we're gonna break it in the process. The flip side of this argument, however, is that it probably won't hurt to break the old forum, since it's going away in a couple of weeks. I left that decision up to Donald, since he's a director. So, if you want to post your request in the old forum, best to do it now, while you can. In the meantime, I will eventually move the messages into a new read-only forum here, if it is not moved into the wiki. From what I've seen so far, that shouldn't be too difficult to do. Ed.
12/17/2008 11:59:52 AM | Good Grief, Charlie Brown! Surely, there's a way to save the treasure of Vets' 1st-person witness, knowledge-base and other insights that are on the Old Forum (and nowhere else, because in some cases they couldn't get onto the 'new' Forum). The Old Forum also has a lot of research, resources and connections treasures. Priceless. If you Tech-savvy folks can save it to disk (where do I send the outboard Hard-drive and how big does it have to be), I'll be glad to, as a Project for the Association, sift-through it, collect 'threads' in '.txt.'format, and organize the topics into the current Forum's categories. Sometime later, the decisions about preservation and presentation can be made - but we HAVE IT. Losing it would be like tearing-up all the BlueBooks. Possible 'tweener' measures?: - - aren't there 'used software' places on the Web? - - Would 'Access' have been included with Win98 or Win2000 discs? - - I'd could start my '.txt' project after New Years using the Olf Dorum now on the Web-site, but it'll take me a long-time (maybe the 1st Qtr, 2009 or more) to download as '.txt' each post; each thread; each page - even ignoring the spam' and concolidating repeat topics. But I'd do it if that's the only way (but need the Old Forum to remain 'up' 3-6-months more). Please help make the Old Forum Treasures a 'Can do' thing. Win
12/17/2008 12:33:06 PM | My apologies, I should have posted an update on this. Donald was able to get a copy of Access '97 and save a copy of that. I haven't had a chance to look at it since I've been very busy with my .NET training. The point here is that my original statement about not being able to do anything about the spam was wrong. Thanks to Don's efforts (and his copy of '97) I think we're good there. @ win-win I think you may have misunderstood my post, Win. 🙂 We simply couldn't (at that time) get the spam out of the old forum without the risk of closing the old forum down. We've always had the option of taking the old forum messages and saving them here, in a read-only forum. I'm not so sure, however, that this is the goal of the coming wiki, since Kele isn't very good about stating her intentions. Ed.
12/18/2008 1:14:46 PM | Don & Ed: Whew!...I think. And I certainly hope I mis-understood ('tough dealing with non-tech savvy folks like me, 'innit). - - If the present Old Forum cannot be 'lost by accident or 'Host' actions, OK; - - But if it can (be lost), how can we (Don?; Ed? me? other?) get the whole Old Forum, to ensure it's 'available'...later - for fixing, or consolidating etc. Do you now have a 'copy' of the Old Forum 'saved', should the Web-site's Old Forum 'disappear'? 'Disappearance' (before saving) is the 'nightmare'. Win
12/18/2008 4:29:27 PM | Win, Both Ed and I have a copy of this database (47meg's worth). I will let Ed respond to the rest of it as I have no communication route except through him at this time. We have the best interest of the old forum information in mind as well as you do...... Tks Don Don
Sgt. Donald C. Byers, 613th Bomb Squadron, Togglier, 42-97344 Carrie B II, KIA 08/24/1944. |
12/18/2008 11:42:39 PM | Don: 1. Great news that you and Ed have 'the End of Days' covered (ie: a saved copy of the Old Forum). 2. Is the program 'Access' a Microsoft or Adobe (or what company's) software? 3. In the Best of times and worst of times, you and Ed are 'gold' - Thank goodness for your talents and efforts. Best Holiday Wishes, Win
12/19/2008 7:19:55 AM | win, MS Access is microsoft. I tried converting the database upwards to MS Access 2000 but was not convienced everything was right as the database went from some 47 megs of to a mear shadow of it's self at 4 megs. This gave me great concern and Ed agreed. So I did find the way to edit the database and save it where I believe it to be intack. We are really just waiting now to see what happens with what has been promised by the end of the year. Don
Sgt. Donald C. Byers, 613th Bomb Squadron, Togglier, 42-97344 Carrie B II, KIA 08/24/1944. |
12/20/2008 9:23:09 AM | @ win-win Just to be clear, you should have no worries, Win, Don and I have it under control and there are options, regardless of what happens, short of a nuclear bomb taking out my house, Don's house and the server where the forum resides. Of course, if that happens, we'll have bigger problems than the database... 🙂 Ed.