Posted | Message |
Paul Bellamy
12/5/2007 7:35:51 PM | Apologies first of all, these are some random thoughts that occured to me tonight after too many hours of watchmaking.... Where is this Forum going? Why have only 20 of us ever posted messages? (I'm currently the "leader of the pack", sorry. Guess I'm just over-interested.) We have a number of posters out of those 20 who have never returned after their first posts, mainly just after the New Forum was first established. Any ideas why? How many of the Association officials, or the Historical Society officials are members, let alone posters, and for those who are online, why not? This is in no way a gripe, more a worry. We need this forum to be there for the Veterans and their families in the first instance, the likes of myself come secondary IMHO. I see the Old Forum is still the primary method of family enquiries even now. Is this due to it being the first site thrown up by a Google search (it isn't, but it's the first one that LOOKS like it's a message board), or is our efforts for stop spammers stopping the very people the forum is here for? How can we make it better? Once again, apologies, especially for such a for rambling post. It's just something that's been playing on my mind for some time now.
Paul Bellamy  |
12/7/2007 10:23:08 AM | This will never be an active forum. Paul. Primarily because it's main subject is, sadly, vanishing. As to improvements, the old forum needs to be phased out. As I'm sure you've noticed, their are some users on the old forum that are afraid to give this one a try, despite the fact that this forum is safer from email phishing than the old one is. There fears are exactly why the old forum needs to be closed, they are afraid of nothing and just need a "little push" to get them over here. Finally, our so-called admin needs to do some adminning. Sorry, folks, but I just ain't too enamoured with Kele's stewardship of this forum. This isn't a high volume forum, so I don't expect a lot of attention, but there are a lot of things here that need to be fixed and the lack of progress on any of them is just deplorable. It's simply ridiculous, for example, that Donald and Jackie are still having to delete spam accounts after all this time. Here's just a small list of what needs to be fixed: - should not redirect to
- should be eliminated as this is not a commercial site.
- The old forum should be phased out.
- All links pointing to it should be redirected to the new forum. (Some links that should point to the new forum still point to the old.)
- The anti-spambot measures suggested in another thread should be implemented.
- The error message received after making post regarding notification (and the notification system itself) should be fixed.
What can we do personally? Nothing but complain, as that is the only thing within our ability.
12/7/2007 11:20:06 AM | Paul I'm a new member of the Historical Society and I'm on the forum! OK my interest in the 401st is only 18 months old and I'm still green, yes it has taken me 12 patient months to finally touch base with Graham, Ray and Paul but I'm here and will do my best to get involved. I too share the frustration of lack of threads etc but 20 people keeping it going is much better than tumble weed blowing over the site! You never know one day you and I may even meet! Regards Dale
improvise, adapt, overcome |
Paul Bellamy
12/7/2007 7:14:09 PM | From this day to the ending of the world, But we in it shall be remember'd; We few, we happy few, we band of brothers (and sisters); For they to-day that sheds their typing with me Shall be my brother (or sister); be they ne'er so vile, This day shall gentle their condition: And gentlemen in any land now a-bed Shall think themselves accursed they were not here on this forum, And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks That typed with us upon any thread that honours the memory of the 401st. Apologies to Mr Shakespeare. 😉 All the best, Paul Pending member of the 401BG Association. Pending member of the 401BG Historical Society. Hmm, I see the smilies are now offline too.
Paul Bellamy  |
12/8/2007 6:25:47 AM | Not bad Paul, not bad at all you are wasted as a amatuer historian!
improvise, adapt, overcome |