Posted | Message |
Paul Bellamy
7/31/2007 7:45:44 AM | I'll be illustrating this mystery with photos shortly, but does anyone have any details of when/why/if the Control Tower was altered, sometime in 1944, to replace the original small (2 panes high) windows upstairs with larger ones (4 panes high)? All the best, Paul
Paul Bellamy  |
Paul Bellamy
7/31/2007 12:34:24 PM | To illustrate: 1993: Large windows.  December 1943: Small windows.  24th December 1943: Small windows.  Large windows.  Large windows.  All the best, Paul
Paul Bellamy  |
8/1/2007 3:24:33 PM | Hey Paul Small or large it would have been nice if it were a tower museum right now get fed travelling to Norfolk and Suffolk!!! Dale
improvise, adapt, overcome |
Paul Bellamy
8/1/2007 5:32:32 PM | Hi Dale, A number of us founded the 401BG Tower Museum group in the early 1990's with that aim in mind. Sadly, the structure was in such a bad state by 1993, mainly due to the 1950's Royal Observer Corps post constructed on the roof compressing and twisting the building, that it would have been cheaper to have demolished the existing tower and started from scratch. Although if you want to visit a very nice tower (and surrounding buildings) museum without going to Norfolk and Suffolk we have one just 20-odd miles down the A6 at Twinwood Farm...... 😉 All the best, Paul
Paul Bellamy  |
8/2/2007 12:34:26 AM | Hi Paul, Yeah, did Twinwood last year, I'm a great Glenn Miller fan but that bit of the tower just took the edge off it for me, can't put my finger on why though. I love Thorpe Abbots but can't get Deenethorpe out of the system shame one of the other buildings could not be utilised, ah dreams, dreams. Cheers Dale
improvise, adapt, overcome |
8/2/2007 11:38:27 AM | Paul, Thanks for posting those pictures they are great and nice to see. One of these days I hope to make it over the pond to England and visit the old station 128 area. Am looking forward to the 2008 reunion in Washington 'DC. Don Byers Lubbock Texas
Sgt. Donald C. Byers, 613th Bomb Squadron, Togglier, 42-97344 Carrie B II, KIA 08/24/1944. |