MJ Culver

By: John Zimmerman
On: 02/02/2003
Malcolm J. Culver is my Grand Father, I am trying to help him find his second Combat Air Crew.

His first Mission was 12 June 1944 – Combat Air Crew was: 2nd LT G.A. Filemyr and 1st LT G.A. Filemyr.

17 September 1944 he switched Combat Air Crew’s – he is looking for the Pilot and Crew of his missions from the 17th through 9 November 1944.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


John M. Zimmerman

Re: MJ Culver

By: Scott McElvain
On: 02/03/2003
Did find your grandfather on Filemyr's crew - see under Crews added on the Group's home page under 614th Squadron crews - but couldn't find the one he moved to.  According to the crew list, if they had over 20 missions by the time, he might have bounced from crew to crew for the remainder of his time there.  Will continue to look.

Re: MJ Culver

By: John Zimmerman
On: 02/03/2003
Thanks – appreciate the help.  I believe he had the same pilot during his last missions.  John

Re: MJ Culver

By: Jack Reid
On: 02/04/2003
The combat crew listing shows another entry for Lt Filemyr (#2) and shows MJ Culver as tail gunner (not as a waist gunner as on the first crew)apparently the first crew's tail gunner was KIA