Air Force Association - Album

By: Win Bryson
On: 04/21/2009
1. A USAF Vet friend E-mailed me this week about this AFA 'project' of putting together an album of air force men since WWI. You can find out more on the Air Force Association Website (under 'Album') or call 1-800-473-8177 (and they'll E-lail or U.S. Mail info to you).  
2. The AFA is soliciting info about Vets to include in the Album - stories, photos, bios - and of course are hoping to sell copies of this album to those having the info included. There appears to be no cost, however, for just having your info included (although I've not done that yet).
3. I called (yesterday) and they are sending me information (but I'm posting this before I have the info because the info DEADLINE is June 8th - and that isn't really that far away, for anyone interested).
4. Maybe someone who knows more can post that. More as I learn, later.

Re: Air Force Association - Album

By: Jackie
On: 04/21/2009

Thank you for sharing this info. It does sound very interesting indeed. I hope you will share more info as you get it.
