B-17 DVD found on Ebay...which I purchased

By: Jackie (Sharp) Sheflin
On: 09/29/2006
I recently purchased a DVD on Ebay that was produced by the War Department in 1942. It is only 11 minutes long but I could not take my eyes off the pictures as they went on across the screen. Several planes were featured and there were more I could not read. The clip shows pilots and ground crews preparing for a bombing run and shows them loading the B-17's and taking off as well as some of the bombing runs.

I am not sure of the squadrons involved.

These are a few of the planes I could make out.

Yankee Doodle
_____ (something) Jenny

I have contacted Kele and she is in the process of trying to set up a way we can share this video clip on the web site.

It would be wonderful if anyone recognized a love one or family member.

What a treasure this 11 minutes is.

I have long known my Dad was a Ball Turret gunner and radio man in his crew and I have always known that anyone who was in a Ball Turret would be in a rather small space, but I never realized just how small until I watched this.

Just wanted to share this with all of you.
