missions vs points

By: Terry Patterson
On: 06/11/2006
Please tell me how many missions it took to qualify to fly no more missions at the end of the war in Euroupe. I am trying to figure out how many missions my father flew. He can't remember. He qualified to fly no more just at the time the war ended (waist gunner, togglier, 613th, 401st). The record on this web site shows 5 with his crew but he was loaned to other crews possibly 10 or more times as togglier. Many thanks.

Re: missions vs points

By: Scott McElvain
On: 06/11/2006
My dad had to fly 35 toward the end of the war.  I don't believe it got higher than 35.

Re: missions vs points

By: Donald Byers
On: 06/12/2006
Yes I believe that is correct 35 missions.  Also they didn't start doing the Loading List until later in the war.  They way it is shown on the 401st site here is more static than interactive.  Mainly because they don't have the info to tell when someone was loaned to  another crew.

Don Byers
Lubbock Texas