Oral History recordings

By: Dale A Anderson
On: 04/13/2004
Art Seder as asked me to conduct Oral History recordings at this years reunion. I will be writing about that in my next PFG article. I want all who would like to take part in this very important event to contact me so that I can get an idea on how much time will be required. We want to make these oral history recordings so that future generations will be able to hear your words. Our goal is for the membership to pass along to others the spoken word of history through the eyes of those who lived it. I will have sign up sheets at our registration for those who wish to take part in this special event. We will be adding these recordings to our group archives.

Dale Anderson
Group Historian
541 Roberts Roost Rd
Fairbanks Alaska 99712

Re: Oral History recordings

By: Hans Shull
On: 04/14/2004
Now that is a fantastic idea!!!

Re: Oral History recordings

By: Bill Gillespie
On: 04/23/2004
I have a copy of The History Channel's documentary on Ball Gunners, that includes commentary with the 401st own John Hurd.  Very good video.

Re: Oral History recordings

By: Dale Anderson
On: 04/23/2004
I would like a copy of the documentary if you can make one for me. I will add it to our archives. Thanks