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{s:TopicNav|401st Bomb Group(H) 615th Bomb Squadron|ForumOld.T0002|ForumOld.T1243|ForumOld.T1292|ForumOld.MainPage|ForumOld.T1301|ForumOld.T1335|ForumOld.T3755} {| class='ForumTopics' ! Posted By !! Comments |- | '''Joe Del Torto''' <br/>2/4/2004 3:17:34 PM | I am the nephew of Joseph V. Del Torto, the Radio Operator of Lt. E.A. Hansen's crew, the 401st Bomb Group(H),615th Bomb Squadron: "MAID TO ORDER". I know my uncle didn't make it out of the plane. Any other info on him would be greatly appreciated. I don't have much to go on. My Father and Grandmother never talked about him to me at all. All I have is his purple heart award. I would really like to know more about my uncle.<br/> <br/> Thank you <br/> <br/> Joe Del Torto<br/> |- | '''Arthur R. Seder, Jr.''' <br/>2/4/2004 5:27:00 PM | Thanks for your posting. Our Association records do not indicate any living members of Lt. Hansen's crew. However, the wife of one of the deceased members is listed, and I will send you her address by e-mail. She might be able to provide some information about your uncle, and others who knew him may post messages on the Forum. Good luck!<br/> Art Seder<br/> <br/> |- | '''Win Bryson''' <br/>2/5/2004 12:33:24 AM | Joe: In my similar searching as yours (my Uncle, radioman, KIA with his 613SQ crew) I've found these official sources helpful:<br/> 1. The National Archives, Military Records Branch Records Group 18, 8601 Adelphi Road<br/> College Park, Md. 20740 (www.nara.gov) - has the originals of the 401BG's bombing Mission Reports, and if you know the Mission (date/target) he was lost in, they may be able to make photocopies of the report for you, at a nominal repro cost. Most Mission Reports have the narrative of how things went, formations diagram, and in some cases strike photos and 'track chart' (map of the flight path);<br/> 2. The Army Personnel Command (Dept. of the Army)Attn: TAPC-PED-F; 2461 Eisenhower Avenue; Alexandria, Virginia, 22331-0482 - has deceassed (KIA) prsonnel records. You'll need his name, rank and serial number, and there's forms to fill out. These records include records of where he trained, and the process and sequence of returning his body home for burial. There may be letters from your family in there too.<br/> 3. The National Personnel Records Center (Military Personnel Records); 9700 Page Boulevard; St. Louis, Mo. 63132-5100 - is supposed to have WWII deceased personnel records, but there was a fire, and most were destroyed. But it's worth a shot to check.<br/> <br/> Non-official information includes:<br/> 1. Deenethorpe - present-day views are on a English website (www.fieldsofvalour.co.uk);<br/> 2. Crew photos and photos of aircraft are harder to find - but this 401BG (Association and) website is about the best place to 'connect' around.<br/> <br/> Good hunting.<br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> |- | '''Scott McElvain''' <br/>2/7/2004 1:28:10 AM | The Air Force History Office has the Missing Air Crew Reports for missions. Will see if I can find the address again. It may have been mentioned in the forum before.<br/> |- | '''Bryan Wyman''' <br/>8/9/2005 1:22:42 AM | Joe,<br/> <br/> I am the great nephew of Alonzo Karcher who flew on the final flight of Maid to Order. I have a ton info on the flight and crew. I just got back from the Netherlands and have lots of photos and info. My Uncle past away about 10 years ago but I have made friends with James Morrison, the Navigator. He is still alive and is more than willing to tell the story of what happened that day. Please email me back and I can start sending you info. <br/> <br/> We have been looking for more info for a while.<br/> <br/> Bryan Wyman<br/> 4132 Tyrolean Ave.<br/> St. Louis, Mo<br/> 63116<br/> <br/> ph. 314-752-0619<br/> cell 314-974-5700<br/> |- | '''vawimer''' <br/>8/13/2005 10:40:26 AM | I have a picture of Ernie with his crew but your Uncle is not in it. It was an earlier crew, not the plane he flew on his last mission. I have lots of info which Verna Hansen sent me. I also have info from Morrison. <br/> He was MIA for a year. His Dad finally told me that he was not coming back. I often think of all those beautiful young men who died, over 55,000 of them. He played piano, clarinet, etc. He had graduated from Woodbury, a business college and was working for the railroad before enlisting. We met at the American Legion dance where I attended with my brother, Jack.<br/> So long ago.<br/> |- | '''Joshua Greenberg''' <br/>12/13/2005 1:53:07 PM | Joe,<br/> <br/> My father, Morton Greenberg, was the navigator on the flight. He passed away a couple of years ago. If there is any information I can provide, let me know.<br/> <br/> Bryan, any information that you could send to me would be most appreciated.<br/> <br/> Mr. Joshua Greenberg<br/> 176 E. 77th Street<br/> #6H<br/> New York, NY 10021<br/> <br/> P. 917.331.7570<br/> |- | '''H.A.Redder''' <br/>8/9/2006 11:05:00 AM | Dear Joe, Your uncle has been killed south-east of Dedemsvaart in the Netherlands.He was found after the crash inside the tail of the Maid to Order, together with Ball Turret Gunner Wade Brunson. Please email me back and I can start sending you info. <br/> Herman Redder<br/> |- | '''Juanita Wyman''' <br/>2/3/2008 11:43:57 PM | Josh, <br/> I have been trying to get in touch with you after you wrote some years ago concerning letters written to your family by my mother, Mildred Karcher. My husband, Sam, had just passed away but i believe I responded to your email at the time wanting copies of these letters. My mother, 88, is also interesting in obtaining copies. <br/> <br/> I am slowly getting back into this research. Herman Redder has done so much concerning this crew so i hope to begin working on this story with herman and my son Bryan again. I have so much information, <br/> but after Sam died I just didn't have the enthusiam anymore. Slowly I am getting it out and hope to continue with this story. <br/> <br/> If you get this message, please respond. Juanita Wyman<br/> |}
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