Paul Bellamy
12/16/2011 8:09:16 PM | I've opened a new section to my expanded Assigned Aircraft Roster, to cover those B-17s assigned to the 401st in the early days as a 2nd Air Force trainee unit in the USA. All these would have been B-17Fs, and prior to the Group being re-equipped with brand-new B-17Gs* prior to heading the England each squadron would have had twelve aircraft on hand. *I include one or two G-spec late B-17Fs here for convenience. Here's the brief version what I have so far, compiled from the Squadron histories and other AAF records: B-17F-35-BO 42-5113: 614BS. Involved in ground collision with 42-30786 28/8/43 B-17F-35-BO 42-5138: 612BS. Fatally exploded 1/9/43 B-17F-35-VE 42-5916: 614BS. 614BS history gives it as being assigned to them new in August 43. Also recorded as being assigned to 92BG and scrapped in UK in July 1943. B-17F-40-VE 42-5955: 613BS. Crash-landed 21/8/43 B-17F-40-VE 42-6025: 614BS. Belly-landed after engine failure 7/9/43 (For some reason specifically noted as a B-17G in the Squadron's history) B-17F-45-VE 42-6062: 615BS. Crash-landed 24/8/43 B-17F-45-VE 42-6090: 612BS. Fatal crash due to structural failure in flight 1/10/43 B-17F-70-BO 42-29840: 613BS Crash-landed 18/8/43 B-17F-105-BO 42-30531: 614BS. No further information. (Last aircraft in Boeing Block F-105) B-17F-115-BO 42-30685: 614BS. No further information B-17F-120-BO 42-30786: 614BS. Written off following ground collision with 42-5113 28/8/43 I'll update this list as and when possible. All the best, Paul
Paul Bellamy  |