Marienburg, located in East Prussia, was the most distant target yet bombed by the 401st, which provided the High Box of the 41st "B" Combat Wing formation. The target was hit with a good pattern of bombs landing close to the MPI. Enroute back from the target, while over the Baltic Sea, the Group was attacked by a number of FW 190's in line abreast. B-17 No. 42-38162, piloted by Lt. William R. Dawes, had its nose blown off and was seen going into the sea in an inverted attitude. There were no survivors of the crew, which was nearing the end of its tour. Returning from the target Lt. G. C. Byrd, pilot of B-17 No. 42-97496, who had lost an engine and was short on fuel, set course for Sweden, where he landed safely.