The 401st led the 1st Air Division on this mission, providing the three 10 plane squadrons comprising the 94th Combat Wing "A" Group. The High Squadron was able to bomb the primary target, the transformer station at Trainstein, reputed to provide the power for Hitler's Bavarian redoubt, with good results. The Lead and Low Squadrons bombed the secondary target, the railroad marshalling yards at Freising, again with good results. The Group encountered what was described as "meager and accurate" flak south of Munich. One 401st ship, No. 43-38646, piloted by Lt. E. A. Viehman, lost two its two port side engines from flak damage before reaching the IP and swerved out of the formation. As the ship lost altitude, the crew bailed out, and all parachuted to safety. All crew members were able to avoid capture and reached Allied lines safely.