Mission Details for Gladbeck (#235)



Number: 235
Date: 3/23/1945 12:00:00 AM
Commander: Capt. D.V. Kirkhuff
Crews Briefed: 38
Details: Railroad marshalling yards and depots

Flying Control

Runway: 23
Engines: 0815 Thumbnail image for /Images/Takeoff/Plan23.jpg
Taxi: 0830
Take Off: 0845
E.T.R.: 1531
Notes: Briefing took place at 0615 hours. The Group was informed that the Eighth Air Force would again attack tactical targets in support of the impending Allied offensive over the Rhine River, known as "Operation Varsity".
All operational aircraft were airborne by 1012, a total takeoff time of 27 minutes for 38 aircraft. By 1615, all ships had returned from the mission. For unaccountable reasons, the Flying Control Log includes the comment: "Lt. Babcock (395) made a very beautiful landing."


Aircraft: 38
Lost Over Continent: 0
Lost Other: 0
Summary: The 401st again put up three squadrons comprising the 94th Combat Wing "C" Group. The primary target assigned to the Group, the railroad sidings and depots at the town of Gladbeck, was attacked visually with good results; all of the Group's bombs fell within a 2,000 feet radius of the MPI.
No Luftwaffe fighters were encountered, but flak over the target resulted in minor battle damage to fourteen aircraft but no casualties.

Mission Assignments

Squadron Participants