Mission Details for Rely (#103)



Number: 103
Date: 7/6/1944 12:00:00 AM
Commander: Maj. C.C. Hinkle
Crews Briefed: 36
Details: "Crossbow"--German rocket launching sites on the Pas de Calais

Flying Control

Runway: 23
Engines: 0530 Thumbnail image for /Images/Takeoff/Plan23.jpg
Taxi: 0545
Take Off: 0600
Notes: A hectic day at Deenthorpe, with two missions flown and a number of accidents. The Group was briefed for the first mission at 0300 hours, after which it was scrubbed but then reinstated. Two aircraft collided on the runway in heavy fog, but all other operational aircraft were able to take off by 0849 hours. Upon their return, one aircraft ran off the end of the runway and nosed up but righted itself.


Aircraft: 36
Lost Over Continent: 0
Lost Other: 0
Summary: The 401st formed the "B" formation of the 94th Combat Wing. After flying through broken clouds en route, weather over the target was clear. However, smoke and dust from earlier Groups' strikes obscured the target, and, when the target could not be identified after two bomb runs, the Lead Box returned to Deenethorpe with its bombs. The Low and High Boxes (12 aircraft each) found "No Ball" targets of opportunity, which were bombed with good results. No flak or enemy fighters were encountered.
However, the Group suffered one fatality, Lt. Joseph P. Kozlowski, a 613th Squadron bombardier. Over France, a malfunctioning engine on an adjacent aircraft caused part of a propellor to be thrown through the left nose window, killing Lt. Kozlowski instantly.

Mission Assignments

Squadron Participants