Sgt Leo C. Cass flew 3 missions, from 04/26/1944, mission #57, to 04/27/1944, mission #59. He served as a Left Waist Gunner.
Sgt Cass served with the following crewman: Sgt Merle E. Barnes, 2nd Lt Richard S. Barnett, Sgt Peter Beckowitz, Sgt Victor D'Agostino, 2nd Lt Unk k Hennessy, 1st Lt Walter B. Keith, 2nd Lt George R. Lewis, 2nd Lt Alexander R. Livingstone, Sgt Arthur P. Mahler, 2nd Lt Joseph M. Maloney, 1st Lt Jack B. Priest, 2nd Lt Morman Weiss, S/Sgt James E. Wells, 1st Lt Irving Woliver and 1st Lt Irving Wolliver