Sgt Stephen F. Kloiber flew 20 missions, from 03/20/1944, mission #40, to 08/14/1944, mission #129. He served as a Left Waist Gunner and Waist Gunner.
Sgt Kloiber served with the following crewman: Major Edwin W. Brown, 2nd Lt Charles W. Bryant, 2nd Lt Robert P. Cain, S/Sgt Arnold H. Carpenter, Capt James F. Egan, Sgt James E. Fahnestock, S/Sgt Elmer M. Fetzer, 1st Lt Stanely Fine, 1st Lt Donald F. Frazier, Flt O Fred M. Garton, 2nd Lt Dene C. Gober, S/Sgt Dylin C. Gregory, 2nd Lt Porter R. Ham, S/Sgt Morris C. Harp, 2nd Lt Unk k Hennessy, 2nd Lt James R. Irwin, 2nd Lt Dana M. Lenkeit, 1st Lt Harry W. Meadville, 2nd Lt Edward T. O'Neill, Lt Col Harris E. Rogner, 2nd Lt Robert W. Rowe, Capt Leon Stann, Sgt Victor P. Street, 2nd Lt Myrick J. Whiting and 1st Lt Horace D. Wood