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Cpl Altieri served with the following crewman: Sgt Russell H. Albert, S/Sgt Thomas J. Brown Jr, 2nd Lt Raymond G. Burns, 1st Lt Robert W. Callaway, S/Sgt James C. Dodson, Sgt William M. Duke, 2nd Lt Warren S. Griffin, 1st Lt William F. Grimm, 2nd Lt Billy S. Hockaday, 1st Lt Herman K. Huesgen, S/Sgt Harry C. Knowles, S/Sgt Oliver J. Kressler Jr., 2nd Lt Robert S. Lawson, 2nd Lt Willard C. McMullen, Sgt Earl D. Oviatt, S/Sgt Chestar C. Peltz, Sgt James D. Roberta, S/Sgt James C. Southerland, S/Sgt Frederick S. Trendelman, 1st Lt John Udy, Sgt Albert E. Warn, Sgt Robert L. Wheeler, 2nd Lt Dale F. Youel and S/Sgt Jack B. Young