S/Sgt Herbert H. Shanks flew 44 missions, from 05/09/1944, mission #66, to 10/07/1944, mission #154. He served as a CTG, Engr / Top Turret, Right Waist Gunner and Togglier.
S/Sgt Shanks served with the following crewman: 1st Lt Richard J. Andrews, S/Sgt David H. Campbell, Cpl Thomas B. Campbell, 2nd Lt Herbert W. Claxton, S/Sgt Rudolph M. Croce, 2nd Lt Robert M. Crossman, Sgt Malcolm J. Culver, S/Sgt Harold E. Dehart, S/Sgt Ralph D. Elliott, 1st Lt Jack B. Evans, 2nd Lt James H. Faulker, T/Sgt Charles K. Fidler, 1st Lt Garrett A. Filemyr, 1st Lt Jacques Griset, Capt James A. Gruman, S/Sgt Wilton W. Harwell, T/Sgt Kenneth M. Jacobson, 2nd Lt Albert J. Jaeger, Sgt Earl E. Koohler, T/Sgt Delmore H. Le Fleur, T/Sgt Delmore H. Le Fleur, 1st Lt Lavata T. Melton, S/Sgt Joseph G. Mitchell, S/Sgt Odom W. Modling, S/Sgt James A. Parkes, S/Sgt William H. Reynolds, 2nd Lt William E. Rhinehart, 2nd Lt Edward F. Robinson, S/Sgt Richard H. Ruhmann, S/Sgt Edward J. Schmidt, 1st Lt John Schulz, S/Sgt William M. Smith, S/Sgt Edwin M. Snyder, S/Sgt Bruno J. Spatilson, S/Sgt David M. Tutwiler and Flt O Paul F. Whittman