Kita, Michael G. - Cpl

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Cpl Michael G. Kita flew 2 missions, from 04/17/1945, mission #251, to 04/19/1945, mission #253. He served as a Radio Operator.

Cpl Kita served with the following crewman: 2nd Lt Robert C. Brekinfield, Flt O Herbert Breslow, Cpl Junor J. Ferguson, Cpl Charles H. Knott, Cpl David L. Plaxico, Cpl Cecil W. Seale, 2nd Lt Harry A. Warthen and Flt O John H. Whaley

Recorded Missions

104/17/1945 Dresden (#251) 44-6146 Little Cheezer Harry A. Warthen Crew #1
204/19/1945 Falkenburg (#253) 42-31730 Morning Star Harry A. Warthen Crew #1